Healthy Eating & Self-Care Resources

The SIBO Summer Cookbook is bursting with delicious recipes for people treating SIBO. 

All recipes are based on the SIBO Bi-Phasic Diet Protocol developed by Australia’s leading SIBO specialist, Dr. Nirala Jacobi ND. Each recipe is classified by which phase it is suitable for, making menu planning a breeze. 

Recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free (or dairy-free alternatives), low sugar, soy-free, grain-free, have low FODMAP options, are easy to make, affordable and most importantly, delicious.

Rebecca Coomes believes in eating food when it’s at its best: in season. This cookbook features gorgeous summer produce, giving you a wide array of meals which are perfect for the warmer summer months.


The SIBO Family Favourites cookbook is jam-packed with delicious SIBO-friendly recipes that the whole family will love.

Recipes are 100% free from gluten, soy, and corn. There are also a variety of recipes that are free from dairy, refined sugar, grains and there are plenty of low FODMAP options.

All recipes are easy to make, affordable and most importantly, delicious.

The book is a beautiful electronic book with images for every recipe, to help make cooking easier.

All recipes are based on the SIBO Bi-Phasic Diet by Dr. Nirala Jacobi and coded to easily identify what phase they are suitable for.


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Existing patients can book directly here:

Heidelberg Testing

Heidelberg Testing assesses stomach acid levels at rest, as well as the functional capacity of parietal cells (i.e., the cells in your stomach that produce acid) when they are “challenged” to produce more stomach acid by meals. The testing involves swallowing a small capsule the size of a multivitamin that remains tethered in your stomach by a medical grade silk thread. This capsule communicates the pH of your stomach via radiotelemetry to a nearby computer.

Testing can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours depending on the physiology of your stomach and the types of testing ordered by your physician. Following testing, the capsule is removed from your stomach and back up through your esophagus. Most patients report that this process feels odd, but is not typically painful.

Heidelberg pH testing has been in use for many years but is often not well-known, mostly due to lack of availability. We have offered Heidelberg pH testing at 8 Hearts for several years now with great success. Physicians often find this testing to be extremely beneficial in managing or clarifying a path for treatment. Our technicians are licensed and board-certified practitioners and highly trained in providing skillful and compassionate testing. We understand the need to provide a supportive environment to minimize understandable apprehension and stress prior to completing the test.

The most common feedback we receive after completing the test:

“That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be!”

You MUST have an order from a physician to complete this testing. Ask your physician if Heidelberg pH testing is right for you. Please contact us for more information – we welcome calls from your physician as well. Once scheduled, we also provide you with additional guidance for how to best prepare for this particular test.

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